Child Labour and Forced Labour Policy

  1. Statement of Principles on Child and Forced Labour

1.1 GLIST strongly believes it is responsible for engaging in employment practices that meet the highest legal and ethical standards. Nowhere is this responsibility more critical than in the company’s policies governing the minimum age and working conditions of its employees and the employees of its suppliers.

1.2 GLIST has developed this Statement of Principles on Child and Forced Labour as an expression of its commitment and our expectations for suppliers worldwide. We strongly encourage our suppliers to require their own suppliers to adhere to these principles as well. We will continuously seek to make these principles as relevant and effective as possible. To that end, we may amend these principles from time to time.

1.3 GLIST’s operations do not engage in or condone the unlawful employment or exploitation of children in the workplace or the use of forced labour. Under the International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions and national laws, GLIST will restrict employment to those aged 18 or older or the local minimum employment age, whichever is higher.

Furthermore, all temporary workers utilised by GLIST and all third-party employed workers who perform work on GLIST premises shall meet these minimum age requirements. GLIST also explicitly prohibits the use of forced labour, i.e., any work or service that a worker performs involuntarily under threat of penalty.

  1. The Company Suppliers

GLIST will not tolerate the use of unlawful child labour or forced labour in the manufacture of products it sells. It will not accept products or services from suppliers, subcontractors or business partners (collectively referred to as “Suppliers”) that employ or utilise child labour or forced labour in any manner. GLIST’s Suppliers shall not use or utilise in any manner any individual below the minimum employment age set by national law.